• Image of Löve and Cäre BLUE
  • Image of Löve and Cäre BLUE
  • Image of Löve and Cäre BLUE
  • Image of Löve and Cäre BLUE
  • Image of Löve and Cäre BLUE

Have you ever been in love? Have you ever cared for someone the way they deserve to be cared for simply because they matter to you?
If yes, then you’ve come to the right place! The Löve and Cäre package features six different colors for all of your... I don’t know.. Löve and Cäre needs?

“I was BLUE until I found your Löve”
Have you ever felt blue, and then met someone who turns it right around? THIS is the shirt for that! Tender. Löve. Cäre.

The owner of any of these Löve and Cäre Package shirts becomes a WEIRDWILDWARRIOR and gains +10 life points. Get yourself something nice, you can spend them on anything. (WEIRDWILDWORLD spokesperson William H. Paintbrush suggests spending those sweet sweet life points on other shirts)